Your Surgery

Following consultation and discussion a surgical operation may be planned. The following information will help you prepare for your surgery and any follow up treatment.

Our staff are on hand to assist you with any questions that you may have about your appointments or surgery. Contact details are available on our Contact Us page.

Preparing for your operation

Our staff will help you with the following:

  • The time of admission to hospital.
  • If you require a procedure prior to the surgery (e.g. Sentinel lymph node injection or guidewire localisation) this will be booked by our staff and you will be informed of the time.
  • If you are having a general anaesthetic you will be required to fast (no food or drink) for 6 hours prior to your surgery.
  • Please bring your xrays / scans with you to hospital.
  • Your surgeon will advise you which medications to withhold prior to your surgery. Please let your surgeon or our staff know if you are taking any blood thinners such as warfarin, Xarelto, clopidogrel, aspirin or any over the counter medications such as fish oil or glucosamine.  If you have any questions regarding your medications please contact our staff.
  • If you are having day surgery you will need to have a family member or friend to take you home after your surgery.
  • If you are staying overnight in hospital after your surgery please bring your nightclothes and toiletries.

After the operation

Your surgeon will review you after your operation and, with your permission, will speak to your next of kin immediately following your surgery.

Your surgeon will instruct you on the care of your dressings and drains, and you will be given a prescription for any medications required (with instructions regarding their frequency).

Your surgeon will tell you when you will need your follow up appointment.  You will be provided with a postoperative appointment and instructions about your care, at the time of your surgery.  If you need to change the appointment or have any concerns, please contact our staff. For more information about follow up appointments, please visit our Your Consultation page.
